The election itself may be over, but the effects of the election and how it was carried out will not be over for a long time to come.
The awareness of this cycle of cause and effect continues to be with me.
And the feelings in response to the damage revealed and the damage caused are palpable.
The degree of lying in this election was mind-boggling. Heart-boggling!
How can so many candidates simply make up facts and stories and present them as if they were the truth . . . just to get what they want?
What does that say about them?
What does that say about their childhoods…
about what they did and didn’t have as children?
about what they felt they had to do to get what they needed?
about what their parents did to get what they needed . . . or simply wanted?
If the candidates lied to get into office, doesn’t that mean they would lie in office,
in the course of their carrying out their job . . .
or their own agenda?
How could it mean anything else?
What does it mean that we let it happen?
That we let the lies go on, knowing they were lies.
That some of us didn’t even know they were lies.
That some of us believed the lies.
What does it say about us and our childhoods and our wounds . . .
the lies we were told, the lies we told ourselves, the lies we thought we had to tell others?
And what does it mean for our country and our world?
© Judith Barr 2010
Lying in politics isn’t anything new. Why are you so shocked?
Sadly, I’m not shocked either. And, sadly, I do know that lying in politics isn’t something new. I’m feeling the effects of this and think we all are. And I’m offering questions in my post for self reflection so each person can look at and heal his/her relationship with lying – his/her own lying and the lying of others.
Hope this helps.